closing comments from the cape
1st trip for scrub launch. Hotel was ok (Holiday Inn, Titusville) I give it 7 out of 10 stars, (not in walking distance of restaurant, bad A/C and checkout required a trip the front desk) Great view for launch.. Media check in went well. Took couple hours to put cables in place. Took 12 hours to drive home2nd trip down I took my time. I hit a big recap in the middle of the interstate traveling 70 mph. The impact caused my tail pipe to get caught under the rear tire and pull away from the muffler. I had to cut the rubber bushing that attaches the pipe to the chassis. I stopped at a truck stop to have it inspected it will get it fixed when I return to Huntsville. Hotel was Ocean View inn, Cocoa Beach. I rate hotel 8 of 10 stars (no High speed internet and Check out required at front desk) Shuttle launch day started early 3 am CST. Wakeup. We had to beat the crowd and the long lines thru security. The launch went well I was proud of our TV coverage and equally proud of our hard working friends and neighbors at NASA. We ended up doing a Live remote for FOX 6 WBRC Birmingham and WAKA. Its not uncommon to help out other TV stations who are not in direct competition with you. They help us out as well. We also ran into some old friends who used to work for Channel 19, Steve Simon and Joel Eisenbaum both former reporters for us. After we were finished we went to eat at a restaurant. After the dinner I was approached by a bum. The bum asked for 2bucks to buy a beer at the ABC store. I normally don’t support bums but I found the honesty respectful. I gave him the money and thanked him for not telling me a story about his broke down car. Tomorrow I will drive back. I hear the may be some new developments in the Miss Hallway case. This could mean a stopover in the magic city. Stay tuned.
An honest bum. Go figure. Good call on the beer money.
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