thursday night in guntersville
Well after a day of doing nothing around birmingham. I traveled to the Albertville Newsroom and spend some time with teh crew. We are doing a live remote in the morning (friday AM) for a tools for schools drive. I ate at the Applebees in Albertville. Food was great! There was a man and women sitting at one of the booths. He was ordering mixed drinks, the bar cut him off at 3 drinks (must have some rule against getting drunk at a nice eating establishment (i agree with the rule) however his wife or lady friend started ordering the same drink (did not see that coming) I left before they cut her off. I got a room at the holiday inn in guntersville (will insert hotel rating after stay..can't judge a book by the cover) The awning is 10 ft tall and the truck is 12.5 feet. I see a dish deduction coming (not my dish because I did not go under it, but the point system dish deduction for parking problem. Speaking of books either someone left the book Get on with it by Billy Gene King in the hotel room or Holiday Inn has chosen to expand there library in addition to the Gideons Bible located in the bedside table drawer. Newsroom management recommends the book who moved the cheese. Its a selfhelp motivational (that spelled correctly)book about a several mice (rodants)who are used to finding the cheese in the maze at the same place every day. And then the cheese is moved. It talks about how the mice react and deal with it in differant ways. Perhaps Holiday Inn should leave a copy of that book in the rooms. My High Speed internet was alot faster in Titusville, FL than here in Guntersville, Al. I having a hard time dealing with it (where is the cheese) more on the star rating tomorrow.hotel rating 8 of 10, bad parking for me and had to go to lobby to check out.
Hey Brian! Glad to see that you have a blog! I saw Bobby over the weekend he and Stacey came down and brought the kids. Marty and I took The girls yard rolling on Sunday night and a lot of fun! If you have time and want to see Bobby and Kim's kids drop in and check out my blog.
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